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Specimen PP typographyIssued on Tuesday 29 April 1845 in the Port Phillip Herald is reprinted by Golden Point Press in 2014. Size : 26 x 31.5 cm.

The appointment of William Joseph Sayers Clarke as overseer at the Port Phillip Herald marked a distinct advance in typography.

Clarke’s name first appeared as printer of the Herald on 29 July 1843 and he continued in this role until 28 November of the same year when George Cavenagh’s name replaced his on the imprint. Clarke’s stewardship ended abruptly when, Finn mentions Clarke being caught up in a libel case brought against the Herald by Anthony Hordern for defaming his father as being a convict being guilty of a “frightful atrocity.” This rumour, published as fact, resulted in a warrant being issued against Clarke as the registered printer of the Herald.

Cavenagh, to his credit stood by his employee, stepping in to protect his printer, was charged with the offence and pleaded guilty.

Clarke’s “Specimen of Port Phillip Typography” printed in blue ink on a single sheet of buff coloured paper was reprinted on the front page of the Herald a few days afterwards as a demonstration of the paper’s typographic sophistication in Job printing.

A manuscript is in preparation for a publication on the typography of George Cavenagh and William Joseph Sayers Clarke.

Our print workshop contains


1 Heidelberg platen press (black ball).
1 Farley 18 x 27 proof press.
1 "Ideal" Guillotine.
1 book press
1 bench mounted lead cutter
1 hand held lead cutter.


1 Metal type rack, 32 cases.
1 double type cabinet, 48 cases.
1 wooden type cabinet, 24 cases.
1 wooden type cabinet, 20 cases.
1 metal type cabinet, 24 cases.
65 loose type cases.
1 narrow galley cabinet, leads, borders, etc.
3 standard galley cabinets, type, standing matter, blocks, furniture, leads, reglets.

In storage

1 Chandler & Price old style platen press, damaged, complete.
1 Chandler & Price new style platen press, damaged, incomplete.
1 copperplate rolling press.
1 "Imperial" Albion-stype press.
1 Adast Graphopress.
1 Hilton tooling Co. etching press.
1 Golding platen press.
1 Frederick Ulmer card press.
1 Douglas Saw.

This list is included for the interest of type and print enthusiasts.